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Showing posts from 2017

Down the Rabbit Hole

"Delay is the deadliest form of denial." ‒ C. Northcote Parkinson Good evening to whoever happens to be reading this, and welcome to my blog, Study of Superbia , I'm your host this evening, Kresten . You may call me Kris for short. Or just Kresten, I don't really care. This is my... little kingdom, if you will. A place for me to put my thoughts into words, and share them with others - well, that is if anyone happens to find their way here. I don't exactly have high hopes on that regard. But we'll see where this journey down the rabbit hole takes us! So, you must be at least a little bit curious of the content that will be appearing here, no? Well, here's a small ‒ small and small ‒ list of topics that I will be writing about, discussing and giving my personal opinion about: ♥ Writing and storytelling ♥ Psychology, focusing on mental health ♥ Things related to or affecting the LGBT+ Community ♥ Books ♥ Movies & TV series ♥